Sometimes the colours of autumn can just be amazing in Sydney.

Finally have the bulk of my assessments over but I probably won’t be able to get out much due to upcoming exams.
Ramblings, Musings and Photographic Moments of my Life
Took a break from assessments and went to the PhotoSoc Tritone exhibition. My 35mm 1.4 arrived but I was at uni and wasn’t able to pick it up so the kit had to do. Unfortunately the variable aperture wasn’t that amazing in the dark and I can certainly see what people say when the criticise the autofocus on the X-series cameras (even with the latest firmware).
Unfortunately my battery died soon after. Gotta get used to the fact that mirrorless cameras just don’t go as long as my DSLR.
After having ordered a Fuji X-E1 months ago, it finally arrived! What made it worse was that the lens that I originally wanted (the 35mm 1.4) was no longer in stock so I had to opt for the 18-55 instead. While not a bad lens, I will have to source the prime from somewhere as it is much smaller and I like the equivalent focal length.
Had a few presentations and essays due this week and I am still catching up from my roadtrip so I haven’t had much time to take this camera out.
So as part of my job, I sometimes have to travel around NSW. Why not do some touristy things along the way then?
First stop was Forbes before heading onto Dubbo via Parkes with a quick detour to check out “The Dish”
After Dubbo we headed over to Bathurst via Mudgee and had a bit of a pit stop at Lawson Park
Arriving in Bathurst after a long day of work, I kept on going studying for my upcoming exam.
So I feel this blog has turned less into “show my photographs” and more into “this is what is happening in my life and here are some photos”. But once I get this next assessment period out of the way, there will be more photo photos!
I’ve been pretty bad this week with no photos 🙁 Unforetunately I’ve whatever time I haven’t spent at uni I’ve been at work.
But in other exciting news, I suppose I could share this screenshot.
That’s right folks, I’ve been going through the application procedure for exchange since October last year. Formally have an offer to study at the University of Sheffield in the UK. So come the second half of this year hopefully there will be piles of photos involving European travels… and snow!!