Anyways, since I posted nada in December, first post of the new year!
Yeah, I know, the HSC was over months ago, but I’ve been that lazy and/or busy that I haven’t gotten around to cleaning up fully. I’ve shifted my computer from the office into my room.
Pros: I have privacy and can turn music up loud now! No need to stream stuff to my laptop now.
Cons: I’ve moved from a GbE connection to a 802.11g which tops out around 2-3Mbps (ie: ~250KB/s) which isn’t fun 🙁 took ~30mins to move 370MB of photos. I guess that what happens when you have a few double brick walls over 30m – even with my briilliant attempts to get a better signal, notice my USB-extension-tenna. Might get a 802.11n dongle (should push that up to 30Mbps)
Anyways, I love shiny photos.
Possible this screen is too big for the desk? Thinking of getting a smaller, say 19-22″ screen and setting up laptop with the 24″ (below) when I move out to Sydney.
OS X looks ohh so good on a 24″ screen 😀
Got a review of my Chrissy present (Samsung 2TB hard drive) coming up soon. That’s the black box sitting underneath the cordless phone.