So, I’ve been tweaking WordPress to get it to go faster (cause it can be a fairly slow at times) and it appears to me that it’s faster 🙂 but that could just be my wishful thinking? Does anyone else think that this is loading faster? I installed WP-SuperCache which generates static html versions of the site to show to unauthenticated visitors. I then used nginx to serve static content because it’s much better than Apache but I proxy all dynamic requests to Apache. And just to make things go even better, I enabled gzip and used the new WordPress image resize features to drop down the resolution of lots of photos!
So if that doesn’t make things go faster then I’m giving up!
Yeah, it makes it go faster but it delays changes you make to the site (not updates).
I guess I can live with that, it’s also much better for me when I’m shaped 🙂 when before it didn’t really work so well on a 64/64 connection with sky high latency