Does this count? (18/52)

I’ve been pretty bad this week with no photos 🙁 Unforetunately I’ve whatever time I haven’t spent at uni I’ve been at work.

But in other exciting news, I suppose I could share this screenshot.

My exciting news
My exciting news

That’s right folks, I’ve been going through the application procedure for exchange since October last year. Formally have an offer to study at the University of Sheffield in the UK. So come the second half of this year hopefully there will be piles of photos involving European travels… and snow!!

Stained Glass USYD (17/52)

Most people are aware that the University of Sydney is based around Oxford and Cambridge in the UK. However, what they aren’t so much aware of is the extent to which the founders sought to emulate these institutions (something I found ironic given that the founders of Sydney were educated at St Andrews University in Scotland). In fact, the stained glass windows in the Great Hall are called the Oxford and Cambridge windows as they depict the founders of each of the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge respectively.

Here we have a shot of the Oxford window.

The Oxford window in the Great Hall at the University of Sydney
The Oxford window in the Great Hall at the University of Sydney

You can read more about the stained glass windows over at the university website.

Just some wide shots (16/52)

Took delivery of my first UWA lens, decided to get out of the house and away from assessments/constantly being in the office and grabbed these shots.

As I was leaving the office headed home
As I was leaving the office headed home
Just had to get out of the house so I headed down to Bicenntenial Park in Glebe
Just had to get out of the house so I headed down to Bicenntenial Park in Glebe

Cute Rabbit Origami Attempts (15/52)

Taking a break from a hectic work schedule, took some downtime to chill at a Chopsticks game night. And what better way then to relax than to get frustrated over my inability to do anything related to origami successfully.

The orange one is my attempt
The orange one is my attempt

Rollin’ (14/52)

So I was headed back home after a day at work (yes, believe it or not, working over the Easter Break) when I saw this roller just chilling in the Graffiti Tunnel. More iPhone goodness this week!

High Rollin'
High Rollin’

Royal Easter Show (13/52)

Crazy amounts of work happening so the best I’ve managed is yet another iPhone photo. As Chase Jarvis says the best camera is the one you have with you.

Something went a little off when I exported this photo, looks a bit weird to me. Aperture isn’t my main program that I use so I’m not quite sure what was going on – I just use Aperture because of the amazing integration Apple provides with Photo Stream.

Lining up one by one

Darling Harbour (12/52)

Photo for this week (yay, back to one photo) was actually taken on my iPhone while I was waiting down at Darling Harbour and got bored. I think it turned out alright.

Had to wait for just that right moment for the bird to come into the frame
Had to wait for just that right moment for the bird to come into the frame

Chopsticks Camp 2013 (11/52)

And back out I go to the Blue Mountains. But this time for the annual Chopsticks Camp! And what’s Chopsticks camp without a little bit of fun competition?

Team Metal (my team!! Woot!! Go Team Metal!!) winning the piggy back races
Some good ol’ noodley fun

Week 2 Strike (10/52)

Well what an eventful week, right after O-Week, the NTEU agreed to hold a 24hr strike over the new enterprise agreement that the university wants them to sign. Of course I rocked up with a camera. Here’s a collection of photos.IMG_7035 IMG_7036

Senator Doug Cameron was there to add his weight behind the combined forces of the NTEU and CPSU
Even pulled out the bane of the world cup, the vuvuzela, on the march up Eastern Avenue


USYD O-Week 2013 (9/52)

Made it back to Sydney just in time for O-Week, the start of the university calendar and always great fun. And my plan of one photo a week hasn’t exactly worked out to plan so have four!

You can always rely on SASS to provide something milding amusing
It’s Benny Davis! Project 52@Hermans
These guys – SURCAS – are really cool and I wish I had some better gear to have shot this, I just came across them on my way to Manning
And it wouldn’t be a USYD O-Week without PhotoSoc and rain!